Symptoms of Camp Lejeune Water Contamination

Reports recently emerged that water sources at the Marine Corps base at Camp Lejeune were contaminated with toxic chemicals for decades. In August 2022, Congress passed the Camp Lejeune Justice Act (CLJA), giving military personnel and other residents of Camp Lejeune a right of action to sue based on illnesses or injuries that resulted from contamination during the contamination period.
If you or a family member resided at Camp Lejeune for at least 30 days between August 1, 1953, and December 31, 1987, you or your loved ones may have suffered or be suffering from the effects of toxic water contamination. Below, we’ve compiled details on the illnesses and associated symptoms connected to Camp Lejeune water contamination. If you experienced any of these symptoms or were diagnosed with any associated condition, call a compassionate NYC Camp Lejeune exposure attorney at the law office of Leandros A. Vrionedes, P.C. for advice and representation.
Illnesses Connected to Camp Lejeune Water Contamination
The water contamination at Camp Lejeune has been connected to at least 17 illnesses or conditions. Eight of the illnesses are so clearly connected to Camp Lejeune that the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) presumptively considers such conditions to have been caused by the poisonous water. Those conditions include:
- Adult leukemia
- Liver cancer
- Kidney cancer
- Bladder cancer
- Parkinson’s disease
- Aplastic anemia and other myelodysplastic syndromes
- Multiple myeloma
- Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Another nine conditions have been connected to the water at Camp Lejeune, even if they do not presumptively qualify applicants for VA disability. Those ailments include:
- Breast cancer
- Miscarriage
- Lung cancer
- Renal toxicity
- Scleroderma
- Neurobehavioral problems
- Female infertility
- Esophageal cancer
- Cervical cancer
If you or your loved one has been diagnosed with any of these conditions and you were located at Camp Lejeune between 1953 and 1987, talk to an injury lawyer. You may have a claim for significant damages.
Symptoms Associated With Camp Lejeune Contamination
As discussed, there is a wide range of ailments associated with Camp Lejeune water contamination. We’ve compiled some of the symptoms of the known illnesses associated with Camp Lejeune below. This is not an exhaustive list. If you have any persistent or unusual symptoms, you could have a condition caused by your Camp Lejeune exposure.
Adult leukemia. Symptoms include fever, chills, persistent fatigue or weakness, frequent infections, easy bleeding or bruising,
Liver cancer. Symptoms include abdominal pain, weight loss, nausea, fatigue, and jaundice.
Kidney cancer. Symptoms include blood in urine, side pain, weight loss, or a growth in the abdomen.
Bladder cancer. Symptoms include blood in urine, back pain, painful urination, and frequent urination.
Parkinson’s disease. Symptoms include tremors, speech changes, changes to handwriting, rigid muscles, impaired posture and balance, and altered automatic movements.
Aplastic anemia and other myelodysplastic syndromes. Symptoms include fatigue, shortness of breath, frequent infections, paleness, and easy bleeding or bruising.
Multiple myeloma. Symptoms include nausea, bone pain, loss of appetite, neurological effects such as confusion, frequent infections, excessive thirst, sudden weight loss, and weakness or numbness in the legs.
Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Symptoms include swollen lymph nodes, fever, weight loss, and fatigue.
Breast cancer. Symptoms include changes in breast size and shape, changes in skin texture, nipple discharge, and the presence of lumps.
Lung cancer. Symptoms include persistent cough, chest pain, shortness of breath, and loss of appetite.
Renal toxicity. Symptoms include changes to urination, blood in the urine, swollen feet, ankles, or legs, nausea, and weakness.
Scleroderma. Symptoms differ depending on which organs are affected. Scleroderma of the skin can present as itchy, burning, or thickened skin, as well as Raynaud’s phenomenon (loss of blood flow to the extremities). Scleroderma of internal organs can lead to heartburn, swollen arms and legs, fatigue, and numbness in the extremities.
Neurobehavioral problems. Symptoms of a neurobehavioral condition such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) include cognitive problems, trouble learning, trouble focusing, difficulty socializing, and aggressive behavior.
Esophageal cancer. Symptoms include trouble swallowing, weight loss, and pain in the throat or back.
Cervical cancer. Symptoms include bleeding between periods, bleeding after intercourse, and unusual pain during intercourse.
Call for Help With a Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Claim
If you or someone you care about was exposed to the contaminated water at Camp Lejeune, find out if you’re entitled to monetary damages by contacting the thorough and successful New York personal injury and toxic exposure lawyer Leandros A. Vrionedes for a free consultation at 646-793-3101.